Monday, January 3, 2011

Have you ever heard parlance like this

[Host]construction that is an enlargement to guarantee building, again be repress a speculation.
[Premier Wen]to, these are two points.
[Host]premier, have you ever heard parlance like this?Someone says "building premier Jia said not to calculate, the general manager said to calculate" this year, you to how does this see?
[Premier Wen]this speaks that the method prohibits indeed, isn,t overall either.Building price to speak to have the government the part that should manage, there is the part that the market should manage, the premier should take care of of mainly is to guarantee sex housing, solution of mainly is in the problem of low income.Everyone is affirmative to know, the all average housing area of our person only has 15 square meters in 1998, to our person of now all the housing area of town have already attained 33 square meters.Certainly, quality and condition of house have a dissimilarity everywhere.The second is now the residents of the town from have a housing rate, have already attained 80%, this proportion equal Gao.We should make the crowd know a truth, we the national population is many, the land is little, live to have it to reside but don,t mean that everybody has his/her own housing, some just- graduated students and some farmer workses can be adopted the way for renting a house first to work out the problem of housing and rent price to have to be reasonable, the condition have to be complete and make they live of can feel convenient.

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